
Algeria: What role can Algerian students play in the ongoing political changes ?” , HEC Stories

Algérie : Quel rôle les étudiants peuvent-ils jouer ?” , HEC Stories

“Soyez acteur de votre propre développement – Apprenez les langues”, Zoubir Benleulmi, El Watan, Mars, 2016

“Aperçu sur les débouchés professionnels pour les diplômés de l’Université.”, Zoubir Benleulmi, El Watan, 24 février 2016

“L’innovation dans les biotechnologies”, Zoubir Benleulmi, Bulletin of US Algeria Business Council, 5th of Dec 2012

“Les idées ne sont le monopole de personne”, Zoubir Benleulmi, Journal l’ECO N° 54 , 16 Novembre 2012


Pr. Zoubir Benleulmi a contribué ces dernières années à de nombreuses conférences nationales et internationales, dont:

University of Science and Technology of Oran (USTO-MB), 2019

Cause Science and Technology: Workshop on Pedagogy for USTO teachers and researchers.

University of Science and Technology of Oran (USTO-MB), 2018

Cause Science and Technology: Workshop on Pedagogy for USTO teachers and researchers.

Ecole Supérieure d’Economie d’Oran, 2017

Cause Science and Technology: Conference on Innovation organised with Ecole Supérieure d’Economie d’Oran and the Director of Industry and mines of the Wilaya of Oran.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 2017

Cause Economic Empowerment: Speaker: presented the introductory statement at the Patent Cooperation Treaty workshop at the University of Science & Technology Algiers (USTHB): role of patents in the promotion of innovation.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Sep 2016

Cause Economic Empowerment: 1. Speaker at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) workshop on Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) , held at the National Polytechnic School of Constantine, Algeria on the 27-28 of September, 2016. Subject: “Role of patents in the promotion of Innovation and the National System of Industrial property in Algeria”.

2. Contribution to the roundtable on “How to promote usage of patents in Algeria as a tool to protect inventions, to tranfer technologies and to foster economical growth”.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Jan 2013

Cause Economic Empowerment : 1. Speaker at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Regional Consultation Meeting on Technology Transfer: The Development Agenda Project on Intellectual property and Technology Transfer (29-30th Jan 2013): “Technology Transfer in the Arab World: Opportunities in the Pharmaceutical and Telecommunications Area”

2. Building SWOT and Summary of Best Practices for International Technology Transfer in Africa and the Arab World”

3. Participation to roundtable on “Building solutions: Intellectual Property-related Mechanisms’ and Initiatives for Promoting Technology Transfer in the African and Arab regions” at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Regional Consultation Meeting on Technology Transfer: The Development Agenda Project on Intellectual property and Technology Transfer (29-30th Jan 2013).

Arab Council of ICT Ministers, 2012

Cause Science and Technology : Speaker on ”Research and Innovation in Algeria” at the Arab Forum on Technological Innovation & Knowledge-based Economy which took place next to the 16th Arab Council of ICT Ministers in Oran (Algeria) and which was led by M. SELLAL, Minister of Water Resources and Prime Minister since September 2012. Presentation made with M. Mohammed Hannache, Chief of Innovation Division in the Ministry of Industry, Investment Promotion and SMEs and Ms. Fatiha Kandil, Assistant Professor at the University of Oran.

Euro-Algerian Research Networking (EARN), May 2013

Cause Science and Technology : Speaker at the research meeting on Technology Transfer organized by the Euro-Algerian Research Networking (EARN) – 30th May, 2013, Centre des Technologies Avancées (CDTA) Algiers ” Technology transfer: Licensing, a model for growth strategy.

EARN project is aiming at the improvement of Science and Technology cooperation between Europe and Algeria. (European Commission, Community Research and Development Information Service).

Larbi Ben M’hidi University – Oum-El-Bouaghi, Dec. 2016

Cause Economic Empowerment : Speaker on Intellectual Property Rights & Patents to promote Innovation at the Larbi Ben M’hidi University, Oum-El-Bouaghi (Algeria). December, 2016.

Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research, Dec 2016

Cause Science and Technology : Support to the Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research (Algiers) by addressing the teachers community with a Welcome Message emphasing the importance of the pedagogy program that is being provided by universities to the new teachers. December, 2016

University Djilali LIabès of Sidi Bel-Abbès (Algeria) , May 2016

Cause Science and Technology : President of 2nd plenary session of the Subcontracting conference organised by University Djilali Liabès of Sidi Bel-Abbès (Algeria).

Centre de recherche en économie appliquée pour le développement CREAD, Dec 2015

Cause Civil Rights and Social Action : Speaker at the Technical Workshop on Algerian Migration Profil held in Algiers on the 16th of December on the occasion of the International Migrants Day 2015.

University of Science and Technology of Oran – Mohamed Boudiaf Nov. 2015

Cause Science and Technology : Member of the Scientific Commitee of the International Conference on Automatics and Mechatronics held at University of Science and Technology of Oran – November, 2015

Speaker on development models for mechatronics systems.

University of Aïn Temouchent (Algeria) May 2015

Cause Economic Empowerment : Speaker at the Entrepreunership day organised by the University of Aïn Temouchent (Algeria) on 14th of may, 2015 in partnership with the Algerian Investment Agency and local actors. « How to promote youth entrepreneurship?”

Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de l’Oranie, April 2015

Speaker at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Oran (Algeria). Event organised on the 15th of April, 2015 in partnership with the University of Sciences & Technology of Oran and the Incubator of Oran (Ministry of Industry) « How to promote youth entrepreneurship ?”

University of Science and Technology of Oran – Mohamed Boudiaf , Jan 2015

Cause Education : Speaker at the « Research & Innovation meeting », Faculté de génie électrique of USTO Oran –20/21 Jan 2015: “Innovation”, “Concept de génie” .

University Hadj Lakhdar of Batna , May 2014

Cause Science and Technology : Member of Scientific Commitee and Speaker at third international conference on industrial engineering (2014). Faculté de génie électrique. University of Batna, Algeria.
“Industrial strategy for Algeria”

University 8 May 1945 of Guelma, May 2013

Cause Science and Technology : Speaker at the The Second International Conference on Systems and Information Processing (ICSIP’13) held at University of Guelma: “Power of imagination”.

University Kasdi Merbah of Ouargla, April 2013

Cause Economic Empowerment: Speaker at the 6th conference on Entrepreneurship (April 2013) University of Ouargla, Algeria “Power of imagination in the innovation process” .

Chambre de commerce et d’industrie Algéro-Française CCIAF, oct. 2012

Cause Economic Empowerment : Participation to a round-table on business opportunities in Algeria held on the 24th of October 2012 at the Algerian French Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This meeting was organised with the Algerian Forum of Leaders of Enterprises (FCE), The association AlFranc Network, The Algeria-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIAF), The Institute for economy prospective for the Mediterranean World (IPEMED) and the Club Melun-Val-de-Seine entrepreneurs (MVSE).

Recherche scientifique

Les programmes relatives à la recherche scientifique comprennent notamment les thèmes suivants:

  • Publication d’articles
  • Préparation d’une thèse de doctorat
  • Préparation d’une habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR)
  • Propriété intellectuelle


Dans un monde qui connaît de profondes mutations au niveau économique, social, technologique et autres, nous avons besoin de leaders pour entreprendre, innover, gérer de grands projets, s’engager dans le commerce international et trouver des solutions nouvelles pour faire progresser nos sociétés dans un esprit de respect mutuel et d’ouverture. Notre ambition est de contribuer à la formation de ces leaders: à travers nos programmes, nous les préparons aux métiers et exigences d’aujourd’hui et de demain en offrant une formation d’excellence avec un corps professoral de très haut niveau, des méthodes d’enseignement modernes, des partenaires prestigieux et un environnement convivial de classe internationale.


(c) White Sea Business School

Pour les entreprises et administrations, nous proposons des formations portant sur le leadership, le management moderne et le développement de l’organisation:

  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Innovation
  • Entreprenariat

Soutien aux étudiants

Pour les étudiants et universitaires inscrits en Licence ou en Master, nous apportons un soutien pour la préparation des travaux de fin d’étude et l’entrée dans la vie active:

Soutien à la préparation du projet de fin d’études (Licence)

Soutien à la préparation du projet de fin d’études (Master)

Formation à l’entreprenariat

Aide à la rédaction de CV et préparation à la recherche d’un emploi